Long Division with Decimals (2)

Select divisors from these numbers

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Select Row   Deselect Row
Select Row   Deselect Row
Select Row   Deselect Row
Select Row   Deselect Row
Select Row   Deselect Row
Select Row   Deselect Row
Select Row   Deselect Row
Select Row   Deselect Row
Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select ColumnClear Column Select All   Clear All Row

Decimal Places in the Divisor

Number of Digits in Quotient

Zeroes in the Quotient

In one or two digit quotients, the zero will be immediately to the right of the decimal point. In three digit quotients, the zero will be second digit.

Grid Lines

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Multiple worksheets

Create different worksheets using these selections.


Memo Line