Addition: Numbers up to 20

Number of Problems

There may be fewer problems, depending on what is selected below.

Write the problems...

Some of Both

Add these numbers...

All 0-9  Clear

To these numbers.

All 0-9  Clear

Each problem will have one addend from the selections on the left and one addend from the selections on the right. If there are no addends selected in one of the lists, the numbers 0 through 9 will be used.

Duplicate Problems

If there are not enough problems to fill the page...

Multiple worksheets

Create different worksheets using these selections.


Memo Line

For example:

To create a worksheet on which all the problems include the number 5, select 5 from the left side, and click Create It.

To create a worksheet with random problems using the numbers 0 through 9, make no selections, and click Create It.

To create a worksheet with problems using the numbers 1 through 5, select the numbers 1 through 5 from both lists, and click Create It.